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Tummy Tucks In Orlando

It’s not uncommon for us to hear people say they desire a flat stomach, but that between fad diets and workout schedules, nothing seems to work. Regardless of why you are looking into getting a tummy tuck in Orlando, there has never been a more perfect time. It’s a new year – why not be a new you with a flatter stomach?

Before and After Photos

To ensure the best results possible from a tummy tuck procedure, our process includes a full evaluation to find out what results you are looking for, and from there we develop a surgical plan that meets your needs. We want you to be informed during every step of your tummy tuck in Orlando. Dr. Azad will go over everything you need to know during your initial consultation.

In the meantime, here are the basics that you need to consider:

Tummy Tuck Procedure:

During a tummy tuck procedure, a long incision will be made along your bikini line. Dr. Azad will then bring the underlying muscle and tissue together to narrow your waistline and provide more strength to your abdominal wall. The excess skin will then be removed and a “new” belly button created. Some patients experience more scarring than others, but a majority of scars do fade with time.

The Most Popular Reason For a Tummy Tuck in Orlando:

We have many patients who seek out a tummy tuck in Orlando, especially after having children. After going through such massive changes, the body doesn’t always bounce back after pregnancy the way we would hope. A tummy tuck procedure post-baby will remove any excess skin that may be present, flatten out your stomach, and tighten your abdominal wall muscles.

Recovery from a Tummy Tuck Procedure:

Having a tummy tuck is a full-on surgery and will leave you very sore and unable to stand upright for the first few days. You will most likely have small drains on either side of your incision to remove any excess fluid that may build up along the surgical site. You will experience some swelling and bruising as well.

Healing will take time, but the good news is the discomfort, swelling, and bruising from a tummy tuck procedure will eventually go away, and your drains will be removed. Dr. Azad will have you wear a compression garment of some kind to make you more comfortable and help the healing process along.

Depending on the nature of your work, you may be able to return within two to three weeks. But always check with Dr. Azad before you do. Want to have a tummy tuck in Orlando? We aim to make the whole process as comfortable as possible for each and every patient.

Come in for your consultation today!

Watch the video on Tummy Tuck’s with Dr. Aazad

If you have any questions about surgery or want to request a consultation at Dr. Azad’s office in Orlando, please fill out the form below.


Please fill out this online form to request a consultation with Dr. Azad at our Orlando Plastic Surgery Office.

Dr. Kamran Azad looks forward to meeting with you to discuss your plastic surgery inquiries.  You will find him and his entire staff at Azad Plastic Surgery to be pleasant, knowledgeable, and helpful.  There is a reason why he is considered a top doc in Orlando and has hundreds of five-star reviews.