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Secrets About Mommy Makeovers

You’ve just had a baby. You’re basking in the joy and love of motherhood- but what about you? When do you get to think about you and what you want? This is where a “mommy makeover” comes in.

Before and After Photos

The process of delivering a baby and becoming a mother can be a magical experience. It can also leave you with loose skin, stretch marks, and excess fat across your body. A “mommy makeover” allows you to feel confident being you- and get your body back. A mommy makeover usually consists of three procedures in one session- a breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and liposuction. There are some dos and don’ts when it comes to healing from a mommy makeover.

Questions about Mommy Make over costs?

After your procedure, it’s recommended you don’t lift anything for a while. In order to prevent your stitches from ripping or causing a slower healing time- it’s best to pay attention to any drains you have on your body, keep your incisions clean, and once you can move around and exercise- do so. It’s important to stay active and maintain a healthy diet to prevent further complications after your procedure.

Follow your post-op instructions from your doctor. The most common instances of complications post-“mommy makeover” is people not listening to their surgeon and maintaining the results. The information and advice given to you after your procedure is meant to help you maintain your new body- and if you don’t follow the instructions- it will be a waste of a procedure.

Mother’s are superheroes- but don’t try to do it all after your procedure. Listen to your body. Don’t lift anything too heavy. Allow friends and family to help you in your recovery. Take the time for you to relax and heal. If you are stressed, over-tired, or struggling too much, it will make your healing process that much longer and more difficult.

Before you decide to take the plunge and go the plastic surgery route, it’s important to do your research. Find a reputable plastic surgeon in your area. Pay attention to reviews, recommendations from others, and the track record of the surgeon you choose. Look at before and after photos from your surgeon. Don’t be afraid to meet with multiple surgeons until you find the one that works best for you, your budget, and the overall goals. This series of procedures is a big deal- and it’s important you have a quality surgeon to give you a quality result. You should also look into the financial aspect of the surgery. Depending on the procedures you’re specifically looking for- insurance may not always be able to cover it. Plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures are often entirely out of pocket for those who want to go under the knife. Look into financing options and other means for funding your procedures.

View all of plastic surgery procedures at Azad Plastic Surgery. Serving the greater Orlando Florida area from its office in Winter Park.

You may not need all the procedures in the ‘mommy makeover’. Many young mothers only need a breast augmentation or just liposuction- rather than the full trifecta. Make sure you speak to your surgeon about the options that work for you. If you don’t think you need the full list of procedures- be honest with your surgeon. If they try and push the full procedure on your or get you to pay for additional surgery, it may be best to look into a different surgeon or plastic surgery office.

Before you go under the knife- it’s best to be your best self. Stop smoking, limit your alcohol, and try to stay active and be eating right. If you decide to undergo a mommy makeover, you get out what you put into it. If you haven’t had a very healthy lifestyle prior to your procedure- it can impact your recovery and potentially be a detriment to your overall success post-op. Fill your post-op prescriptions and any other daily medications in advance of your procedure. You won’t want to drive to the pharmacy to get your meds after the surgery- and while friends and family can be helpful in your time of need- it’s best to plan ahead.

Read reviews about Dr. Kamran Azad MD, Plastic Surgeon and Azad Plastic Surgery.

Ready your recovery supplies. This can include gauze, hot and cold compresses, medicines to keep your surgical sites clean, and other supplies to ensure a speedy recovery. Get pillows and a blanket and get comfortable- you will likely be laid up for a while. Ensure you have the ideal time off of work or other commitments. Get help to watch your kids, pets, and other responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to rely on friends and family to get your day to day tasks done. This includes preparing your home by keeping it clean and preparing meals ahead of time. If you don’t have other people that can help you clean or prep your meals- it’s best to do this as soon as you can before your procedure. You can even look into a cleaning service or a meal train so you are well taken care of post-op. If you take the proper time off work- most doctors recommend two weeks minimum- but you aren’t healing just right or need more time- don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. Take all the time you need to properly heal. Don’t go back to work or back to your busy routine until you are ready- and your body has healed enough to prevent further complications.

A mommy makeover is a big step for any mother- whether you’re a brand new mom or it’s your fourth child- it’s important to take care of you while you take care of your family. You can’t heal and get back to your life if you’re stressed or doing too much too soon. Listen to your doctor, listen to your body, and be sure to rest and relax as much as you can to allow for ideal healing conditions. Rely on family and friends to keep you going and keep you motivated to heal. Don’t be afraid to ask for help especially if you think you don’t need it- because you may need more help than you think.

Enjoy your new body- you’ve earned it!

If you have any questions about surgery or want to request a consultation at Dr. Azad’s office in Orlando, please fill out the form below.


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Dr. Kamran Azad looks forward to meeting with you to discuss your plastic surgery inquiries.  You will find him and his entire staff at Azad Plastic Surgery to be pleasant, knowledgeable, and helpful.  There is a reason why he is considered a top doc in Orlando and has hundreds of five-star reviews.